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Lion Voltron Season 1 Episode #06 : The Right Arm of Voltron
Episode #06 : The Right Arm of Voltron
Production #: 206
Air Date: Sept. 17, 1984


With the new Castle of Lions and the return of Voltron, the citizens of Arus come out of their hiding places, comfortable to know that Voltron will protect them from the evil forces of King Zarkon. Princess Allura vows that the Voltron Force will protect her people and planet. In celebration of their new found freedom, she proposes a banquet.

King Zarkon is not pleased that Planet Arus is slowly slipping away from his grasp. Haggar proposes a new plan, that in order to weaken Voltron, they need to do away with one of the Voltron Force members. Without all five of them, they would be unable to form the mighty robot. King Zarkon agrees, and the Witch Haggar goes to Arus, with one of her deadly robeasts.

On Arus, the Voltron Force go with Princess Allura to pass out food to many of the destroyed villages, hoping they can bring more of the citizens out from hiding. Witch Haggar watches them closely, then tasks her Blue Cat to lure one of the members into her trap. Pidge is alerted by Cheezer that the Blue Cat is nearby. Lance and Sven then chase after the cat, where Lance falls into the Witch Haggar's trap.

Sven rescues Lance from the trap, and battles Haggar alone. Unfortunately, Haggar's magic is enough to overcome Sven's abilities and he is then blindsided by her robeast monster, injuring him. Keith and Lance arrive too late, only to find Sven badly hurt. Keith suggest that they send him to Planet Ebb, where he can rest and recover from the attack.

Now, one member short, the Voltron Force must deal with Haggar's monster without Voltron. They lure the giant beast to the edge of a cliff, overlooking a lava stream. Lance suggests that they attack the monster and force it into the firey stream. Lance volunteers to attack the robeast head on, since his Lion is homed in the lava pit that surrounds the Castle of Lions.

Their plan works! They are able to defeat the robeast without Voltron and celebrate their victory. However, they do know that without Sven and the Blue Lion, Voltron will not be able to protect Arus from any further attacks from Yurak and King Zarkon.

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Written by GoldLion on 2007-06-27 18:54:56
The summerises are very well done. I helps me imagine the real epiosodes. 
Is it possible that there will be more for the other episodes? :grin

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