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Voltronblog.com is a FAKE site PDF Print E-mail
Written by Arus   
Friday, 13 July 2007

Image Well, it seems that the recently registered Voltronblog.com site seems  to be a fake site. We know from the whois information, that its not associated with World Events Productions or anyone associated with the production of the Voltron Live Action Movie; nor that its associated with JJ Abrams and his production commpany, Bad Robot.  Today, it was updated with a 10 second clip that seems to be a play off of the Cloverfield trailer. And the "conveniently" placed date to the side of the clip (011808), proves that this just a fan created website, taking advantage of all the interest in the recent speculation that Cloverfield is Voltron. Another clue was that the background on the page was called "notlost.jpg" . Apparently a fan also took advantage that Cloverfield is being produced by JJ Abrams, who is of course behind the TV series LOST.


For now, just take it as a fan site, created to trick you into  thinking that Cloverfield and the Voltron Live Action movie are one in the same. The site owner just created to take advantage of the speculation surrounding JJ Abrams' mystery movie.


The posted video is this one:



So, nothing but a joke thus far.


Update:  It seems that there is also another site registered by the same person as Voltronblog.com . It's http://voltrononline.com/ - seeing that both sites share the same IP of ; both sites were registered on July 4, 2007.




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