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Hyaku Ju Oh Golion Volumes Available PDF Print E-mail
Written by Arus   
Friday, 31 October 2008

Image Apologize for not updating this site as I should. Busy with work...having a life...jk. A lot of things happen, and priorites shift, but Im trying to return to updating the sites that I need to. 

So to start, Hyaku Ju Oh Golion DVD Volumes are now on sale. As you know, this is the original Japanese animated series that the Voltron: Lion Force was based on, and heavily edited from.

Product Description:

 From days of long ago... from uncharted regions of the universe... comes a legend... The legend of Golion, the original Japanese show that started it all in the world of Voltron. The five pilots may look the same, but their names and the events that occur are galaxies apart from the series you think you know. Were people evacuated safely? Do robots die? And what really happened to a certain main character?

Revisit the Voltron series as you've never experienced it before, and see what really happened in this newly restored and uncut version.



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